Martin Luther Trip

I know Martin Luther was on the first half of the course but I went to a museum yesterday in Berlin, Germany that had a lot of neat stuff about him. I included pictures of Luther and maps of voyages below since it relates to our class.

Map of the World
This map was made after the journeys of Columbus, Vasco de Gama, and Vespucci. Printed maps from Germany and Italy spread the new findings on these voyages. You can’t see it clearly on this photo but there are arm pillars that illustrate the territorial claims of the Portuguese crown.

Luther Book


Edict of Worms
This is the Edict of Worms which pronounced an imperial ban on Luther and was declared an outlaw and stripped of any honor. All of his writings were forbidden.
New Testament
This is the New Testament that Luther translated into German. It was printed in September that is why it is called September Testament.

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